Episode 5 Going forward from here...

3 years ago

This video starts about 20 seconds into the stream. I talk about a number if things here... Due to current events... Many people are anxious and panicking or worried... Trust the Don, he has never let us down and has always kept his promises. Ignore the speculation and the MSM... there are way to many people, even possible CIA Black Ops going on who are aiming at causing confusion and doubt...

Trump IS IN CONTROL... He has a plan and it unfolding right before our eyes... this is history in the making my friends, enjoy the show!!!

Read the Book "The Art of War" next to the "Art of the Deal..." Trump is a high level strategist and the DS is lazy and slothful... as well as that there are not a lot of them left...

Trump is a man of God... yes, I said that. Doesn't mean that he isn't surrounded by many vipers calling themselves Christians.. Or supporters.

With that, Trump follows the military training he got in school... You look your enemy in the eye, then you rattle your sword, then you pull your sword, then you raise your sword, then at the very end when all offers of peace are spent... YOU USE YOUR SWORD. I learned this when I was in the military myself.

Trump has played a fantastic operation... giving everybody the chance to come clean and leave the DA, to change to work for the people... At every level they rejected his offer... every level took him to the next step... now the gameboard has been fully exposed... Sun Tzu: appear weak when you are strong to draw them out for a quick kill (my paraphrasing)

The last step is taking everybody down with as little violence as possible, making the foot soldiers (Antifa/BLM) have little ability to cause damage.

What is next? I don't know... but it will be epic... Will Biden get an illegal Inaugration? Will the MSM participate in the sedition/treason? Remember we are under a declared emergency demanded by the Leftist... Remember there is proof of 5 countries participating in vote fraud and manipulation. Remember the EO's created for the last 34 years... In essence, all funds and accounts of the criminal participants are open to be taken, the so called civil courts are participants so the charges will be Military. GITMO was prepared. Everything is now in place domestically... China is being neutralized domestically... but is still the wild card from what I see... as we cut them off from the American teat of technology and finances, as we destroy the Federal Reserve criminal gang and return the world back to a substance based constitutional monetary system... what will they do? Trump has built the Military up to the greatest it has ever been... so if China challenges us, we are ready...

If you live in a city, have at least 2 weeks of water and food, be prepared to lose electricity so you need a way of cooking and candles and protection... you might have to board up your windows for looters and roving gangs unless the Marshall Law that I expect to be declared int he Blue State Cities stops that...

Trump is in control... don't doubt that for a minute...


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