Things That Cats Really Hate

3 years ago

Cats Hate Feeling Lonely

Many people think that cats are solitary creatures but this is not the case. While cats can be left by themselves longer than dogs, kitties also long for love, attention and companionship just like our other humans or furry pets. When they are left alone for a long, long time, they can become sad, lethargic and even worse, depressed.

Even if they are too busy, cat owners should spend quality time with their pet cat. They can set aside 15 minutes to play with them every now and then so it will stay happy and healthy. Another solution is to adopt another feline, to always keep it company.

Cats Hate Filthy Litter Boxes

Whether at home or in public, people do not like to use a dirty toilet, which is disgusting. Actually, cats also feel this way when it comes to filthy litter boxes.

That being said, cat litter boxes should be cleaned every other day or better yet, every day. This depends on the number of cats as well as their toilet habits. If they do not like to clean poop every single day they can invest in a self-cleaning litter box.

Cleaning a liter box is not only about scooping poop. The frequency of replacing litter depends on the type of litter used, how often it is scooped and the number of cats in a home.

Cats Hate Spoiled Food

Cats, just like people, hate digging into spoiled food. Firstly, spoiled/stale food smells and tastes bad and worst of all; it is detrimental to their health. When food is exposed for a long time, particularly in warm weather, this can develop bacteria like Salmonella and Staphylococcus.

Every time they buy or serve meals to their cat, it is important to check the expiation dates on wet and dry food. In case there is lots of food left by their cat, they may have to evaluate the amount it really needs to eat. They can consult a veterinarian to know how much to feed them, based on their breed, age, size and activities.

Cats Hate Yucky Medicine

When people feel sick, they need to take some medicine no matter how yucky it tastes. Cats feel the same way too when taking their medicine. Most of them make their medicine foam inside their mouth, let the pill stay in their esophagus then spit it out.

Whatever kind of medicine cats need to take, whether to treat a cold, infection or chronic condition that needs to be given continuously, the experience should be more pleasant for them.

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