Flashback: Big Brother Obama Wants Control of Your Email, Facebook, Skype, Twitter Accounts

3 years ago

(NY TIMES) Obama's Internet-Wiretap Bid: Secret Government Backdoor to Your Mailbox...

The New York Times reported today that the FBI is preparing to propose legislation to the Obama Administration that would require Internet service providers (including software makers like Skype) to build in "backdoors" so that any communication between people can be monitored by the government. Xeni Jardin on BoingBoing has a good link roundup to articles on the proposed "wiretapping."

Currently, we can send encrypted messages and can -- with effort -- communicate in private. If everything that exists on the net and hosted or available in the U.S. were required to build in tools to block encryption, this would destroy the possibility of private communication. It would put a huge burden on Internet and software providers to build those extra doors into their communication services. It would also mean that those back doors could be exploited by hackers who want to steal people's data. It's like requiring that nothing can be locked up in a secure way, and everything online has to be built with a weakness.



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