2021, Worse than the other one. RACEBAIT-COOF-CLIMATE.

3 years ago

You'll have to watch. I rushed this out in a hope of getting th year stared while people are still in the house and my studio is being used as a guest room. Oh and if you don't get the idea that all the race bait bullshit being advertised to go with Australia Day has given me the shits, you may be very high on the spectrum.

Source :
Note : I archive my resources If you prefer not to go to the source and risk supporting them financially, search on archive.is using the link provided.

Fair warning to all and sundry!
I am here to entertain or trigger the shit out of people, won’t be self-censoring or apologetic about my methods or the arguments I put forward. I'm Australian so I can swear with an artistic flare I'm rather proud of. Noting my swearing or poor typing do not an argument make, so grow up if they offend you. Swearing is a linguistic tool, I use it, get over it. While I use it it is not the basis of my arguments. Some people say intelligent people don't need to swear, I'm more inclined to believe intelligent people can see past it. See if you can keep up won’t you :D

You will find more of me at:
Gab : https://gab.com/TheAntitheocrat
Telegram : https://t.me/Antitheocrat
Parler : TheAntitheocrat (still supporting and awaiting the reboot)

You can Support me at:
Bitchute : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/theantitheocrat/
Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/the-antitheocrat
Minds : https://www.minds.com/TheAntitheocrat/
SubscribeStar : https://www.subscribestar.com/the-antitheocrat
YouTube : Can get fucked but I'm there too.

and rarely at...
WordPress : https://antitheocrat.com/
and other places less often but also as The Antitheocrat.

I don't need your cash but if you like what I do and want more, cash does save me becoming homeless and gives me reason to go on working. You know, reason, like explaining the time and effort to my partners :D
If you can afford to help out I'll never not be grateful :)

That’s my spiel and this is my sign out…

May your gods remain fictional.
The Antitheocrat.

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