First Hand Accounts from January 6th, 2021 Rally in Washington D.C.

3 years ago

Dearest Starseed Family,

The intention of Central Ohio Starseeds is to create a space for expansion of spirituality and consciousness. We try to avoid political discussion as that can be found elsewhere. However, we are on a timeline where the political and spiritual battles are intertwined and simultaneously playing out. The truth can be held back no longer and I feel compelled to share my experience in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021.

This is a recent conversation/webcast between Myself and fellow Lightworker, Pharoah Marcus Robbins. Marcus is a beautiful soul and a practitioner at Sacred Light Healing and Wellness in South Carolina. He interviews other Starseeds and Lightworkers as part of his service. In this discussion we talk about the recent MAGA rally in Washington DC as we were both there in attendance. Our intention is to share our experiences and shed light on what the situation was really like that day. I can accurately tell you from my first hand experience that the March in DC was overwhelmingly peaceful, joyous and unified. Patriots DID NOT commit vandalism and violence and in fact, we tried to stop it. This was clearly another false flag event from the Dark Forces to detract attention from the huge numbers (est. 1,000,000), to overshadow the purpose of the rally which was Stop The Steal, and to also paint Patriots as thugs and criminals. What you are hearing on any of the major "news" outlets are outright lies among many other lies. The MSM is spinning a very deceptive and contrived narrative in an attempt to further control us. WE SHALL BE CONTROLLED NO LONGER.

We are in the time of THE GREAT AWAKENING. It is time for the Starseeds to awaken and activate!! Please keep an open heart and mind in the coming days, weeks and months. Much information is about to be revealed and we must be ready to accept these ugly truths, face them head on, and overcome. This purge is part of creating our new reality, our New Earth. It is time to unite under the one truth of Prime Creator!!

Much Love, Bryan 🙏

Notes, Links and Plugs:

Having said all of this, I feel its appropriate to mention that Central Ohio Starseeds will be resuming our gatherings on Feb. 27th. We will be discussing the topic of Understanding the Counter Narrative, which will touch upon many of these issues. Additionally, we will be doing a short meditation for DNA upgrades. Formal meeting details will be coming soon!

I made this DC trip with fellow Starseeds, Lisa Scherra and Dylan Louis Monroe. Dylan heads up the Deep State Mapping Project and the New Templars webcast. He made a short documentary for The New Templars, if you care to check that out:

Also, please visit Marcus's YouTube page for other Starseed interviews:

Central Ohio Starseeds

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