Reptoid Discovers Minecraft - S01 E03 - Music video - Jeff Pearce - "Autumn and regret".

3 years ago

Reptoid Discovers Minecraft - S01 E03 - Premiere Sept 24 2020 - Music video - Jeff Pearce - "Autumn and regret".

I was having a rather melancholy moment as I was logging in to my Minecraft server and my friend's song "Autumn and regret (1)" by Jeff Pearce happened to be playing on my internet radio station. It inspired me to walk to my park on my server (a flower biome) and just think a while. The vision of this music video came to me as I was thinking and listening to the song... I had another one of my "David Lynch moments" as I call them... I mentally wrote the treatment for the video in seconds as the song played.

We all have down moments in life and it's OK to feel sad and internally contemplative. Some might consider this creation a kind of 'emo romanticism' but it's a reality for many who have a disability and have trouble coping with life more than others. Games like Minecraft are sometimes our only form of escape, as it can be for myself right now. So the video is meant for those of us who suffer in any way as we try to cope with life's difficult moments, those of us who dream of better worlds and let our imaginations fly... to transcend the moment, rise above it, and give someone a 'flower'. This video is for those who need the escape, and for those who simply miss good rare uncommon music videos from the old MTV and Much Music television era. Enjoy, from me, all of us in The Void Crew, to you.

This rare flower is here whenever you need a moment.

Buy this song or album (and others), support independent artists:
Tell Jeff Reptoid sent you. :)


Be sure to also follow our BitChute channel:

Assorted videos we create shall include gaming events, challenges, builds, role play, tutorials, basically a bit of everything. Plus we have other people who create content on their own and we'll also make appearances in their videos as well as we grow. We'll add them to our description here as things develop.

Our Minecraft server: "It's the call of the void". We are "The Void Crew". We even have a theme song! (We're getting the artist's permission for use and cross-promotion shortly). There's about 16 people currently "Whitelisted" on our MC server and as we expand memberships that number will increase. So you never know who will appear in future videos - perhaps someone you already know or subscribe to. ;)

We have a Discord as well, yes, but that is also a private club, so to speak, and that's how you get to know us to get involved on our Crafting server. So many FUN people there. Best way to get to know us for now is to post a comment on this video below and we'll respond when we can. Lots to do so please be patient, we're just starting up this channel. :)

Director, Producer: Reptoid.
Video editor: Phazonxl.

Reptoid "Chaotic Resonance"
Bet you didn't know I do audio art and run a 'radio station' on line as well:
Fine art: (A great way to support me - Thanks kindly). You like creepy music, right? ^^
Radio: 24/7 commercial free promotional rare art from around the world: *Click Listen* "Yes, my voice sounds a LOT better when not using a crappy head-set... if I speak there."

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