Is the COVID-19 Vaccine the Answer?

3 years ago

Today, Dr. Veltmeyer examines the rush for the new COVID-19 vaccines. He discusses the enormous amount of money the vaccine manufacturers will reap from "Operation Warp Speed," probably more than $100 billion in sales and $40 billion in after-tax profits. He compares the rush to mandate the COVID vaccine with the annual flu shot which is just 50% effective for an illness that also causes hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. With a 5% failure rate plus very serious side effects, will the COVID-19 vaccine lead to more suffering and more death? Should it mandated even for those who are hardly impacted by the virus like children? Will governments engage in forced inoculations? Why has the vaccine been emphasized at the expense of inexpensive therapeutics and natural immune-boosters? Why do the vaccine promoters like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci really want? Is it all about profits and power? The people need answers to these questions before subjecting themselves to the COVID-19 vaccines.

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