3 years ago

As Riots & Looting Spread Across America this year destroying American Cities & Small Businesses Nancy Pelosi's response was "People Do What They Do" while Fake News CNN and the Liberal media continued to call this violence "Peaceful Protests" as cities, businesses and Police Stations burned to the ground behind them. It's no wonder less than 20% of people now trust the media and are looking else where to get the Truth.

"THE POLITICAL WAR ROOM" NEWS NETWORK is filling that void, America must have a Place to turn to for the truth. It's sad the mainstream media has turned into nothing more than Propaganda from Political Parties and Covering For Big Tech who secretly controls what you read and see. This is Communist Style, China Style Government Control. Our founding Fathers are rolling in their graves. These people claim they love America and the constitution that governs the Greatest Democracy ever created in mankind. If the Democrats truly believed in the constitution and Democracy they would never allow for Speech and Dissent to be Censored out of Democracy. That is the founding of DEMOCRACY allowing people to Express themselves and protests without fear of government retribution. WAKE UP AMERICA WE MUST FIND AWAY TO FIGHT BACK FOR WHAT'S RIGHT OR WE WILL LOSE OUR COUNTRY & CHINA WILL BECOME THE DOMINANT POWER. The FREE WORLD WILL IS NO LONGER FREE UNDER THE THREAT OF LIBERALS DETERMINING WHAT WE THINK SEE, READ, STUDY IN SCHOOL SYSTEMS‼

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