When Emergent isn't Emergent Anymore (trailer) by Eric Barger

3 years ago

While the buzz word "emergent" still abounds, those whose beliefs it describes have forsaken it. Though the Emergent Church represents part of the predicted last-days apostasy, they have gone mainstream! Still, many Christians don't understand who they are and what they ascribe to. In this message, Eric Barger explains why authentic Christians must understand this counterfeit movement, closely examining its beliefs and practices in contrast to biblical Christianity. (*Recorded live at the Lamb & Lion Ministries' annual Bible Conference, July, 2019)
Download this complete live presentation at our Vimeo channel: https://vimeo.com/channels/861340

This entire presentation is also available on DVD. Visit ericbarger.com/tasstore/videos.htm

Connect with Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries online at:
- https://ericbarger.com
- At various social media sites across the Internet.
- At Vimeo for on-demand videos: https://vimeo.com/channels/861340

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