Pelosi's Power Hunger Is Devouring The Republic

3 years ago

The left’s war on President Trump is a war on taxpaying citizens responsible for pumping the life blood into the heart of America. In order to send that heart into cardiac arrest, Nancy Pelosi has become a dictator within the House Chamber.

Where Fear and loathing reign supreme within the corpracratic Country Club Halls of the Capitol As the Huffington post hastily reported “Capitol Police briefed Democrats ....about three more potentially gruesome demonstrations planned in the coming days....The first is a demonstration billed as the “largest armed protest ever to take place on American soil.” Another is a protest in honor of Ashli Babbitt....And another demonstration, which three members said was by far the most concerning plot, would involve insurrectionists forming a perimeter around the Capitol, the White House and the Supreme Court, and then blocking Democrats from entering the Capitol ― perhaps even killing them ― so that Republicans could take control of the government.

And as 80 year old Pelosi’s dementia sets in, the Sergeant at Arms who answers directly to Pelosi, had metal detectors installed to check the Congress like a third world dictatorship.

Add to that As the Washington Examiner reported “Speaker Pelosi is implementing FINES for members who don't wear a mask on the House floor $500 fine for first offense. $2,500 for the second offense. Fines will be deducted from Member pay (no use of campaign funds or MRA for fines).

While compromised Chinese assets the likes of Eric Swalwell were elected by Pelosi to be a manager over the snap impeachment sham. While cases are made by other members of the house who should have been impeached long ago. And new lies are born on the floor. The video they are referring to a video showing President Trump and his family before the President had taken the stage and the occupation of the Capital had begun.

Pelosi and her elitist Mickey Mouse club of thick headed power gluttons still can’t figure it out. There are reasons behind the display of desperation on January 6th that were ignited far more by Pelosi and her totalitarianism than anything said by President Donald Trump.

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