A Victory for Protect The Harvest - Supreme Court Case is Won Regarding the FOIA

3 years ago

A Supreme Court case, regarding the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), wrapped up in June of 2019. Protect The Harvest and nine other organizations, including the American Farm Bureau, Animal Agriculture Alliance, National Association for Biomedical Research, Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks & Aquariums, Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, Pinnacle Pet, the Zoological Association of America, the Fur Information Council, and the US Association of Reptile Keepers embarked on a multi-year effort to clarify the Freedom of Information Act’s Exemption 4. This will prevent the disclosure of confidential commercial information that would have put businesses at a political disadvantage. This Supreme Court case had far reaching consequences, especially in regard to animal enterprise. Together, we changed a set of rules that had been in place for 46 years. These groups have two things in common: a desire to interpret the Constitution as written and a dedication to supporting animal industry. We could not have made it happen without banding together.

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