The LNT fraud

3 years ago

Edward Calabrese (professor of Toxicology at the Univ. of Massachusetts) talks about one of the best organized scientific frauds ever: the LNT model. In the 1950s a group of scientists led and influenced by the Nobel laureate Hermann Muller stated, without any proof (or "adapting" the ones at disposal), that each and every single radiation dose is harmful. The regulatory commissions worldwide took up that concept and produced the radiations' regulations still being applied nowadays, as well as a series of myths, fears and misconceptions about anything related to radiations and nuclear power.

Related documents:

1) Article on Junkscience containing two Prof. Calabrese's papers (in pdf):

2) Rod Adams' article on Prof. Calabrese's presentation at the Cato Institute:

3) Prof. Calabrese's page at the UMASS site:

4) Prof. Calabrese's Interview made by LPAC TV:

5) Hormesis: Its Biomedical Foundations and Therapeutic Implications (presentation in Florence - 2012):

6) Wikipedia's biografy of Hermann Muller:

7) Calabrese's article on Arch. Toxicol. (2013) 87:2063--2081 followed by exchanges between R. J. Cicerone/K. D. Crowley and E.J. Calabrese

Other references:

[1] E. J. Calabrese, "Muller's Nobel lecture on dose--response for ionizing radiation: ideology or science?" - Arch Toxicol (2011) 85:1495--1498
[2] E. J. Calabrese, "Muller's Nobel Prize Lecture: When Ideology Prevailed Over Science" - TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 126(1), 1--4 (2012)
[3] E. J. Calabrese, "Key Studies Used to Support Cancer Risk AssessmentQuestioned ", - Environmental and MolecularMutagenesis 52:595^606 (2011)
[4] E. J. Calabrese, "TOXICOLOGY REWRITES ITS HISTORY AND RETHINKS ITS FUTURE: GIVING EQUAL FOCUS TO BOTH HARMFUL AND BENEFICIAL EFFECTS" - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 2658--2673, 2011
[5] E. J. Calabrese, "Paradigm lost, paradigm found: The re-emergence of hormesis as a fundamental dose response model in the toxicological sciences" - Environmental Pollution 138 (2005) 378--411
[6] L. Giannoni, M Mazzini, "Esposizione a basse dosi di radiazioni ionizzanti: il modello lineare senza soglia è valido?" -


1) Can you please tell us how and why you came up with the idea of criticizing the author of the LNT and his model? - 3:41

2) Can you give us some more details about about Muller's and Caspari's experiments? - 22:00

3) Are the original letters between Muller, Stern and Caspari available somewhere on the internet? - 44:34

4) Why do you think the Rockfeller foundation put up the BEAR Committee? - 46:51

5) Do you think that testing the (ionizing) radiations on fruit flies (as Muller did) could provide a good estimate of their effects on humans? - 48:27

6) What's your opinion on the reason why the regulations on radiations have been based upon a scientific fraud? - 50:24

7) Can you explain and give us an example on how a threshold value is determined? - 55:49

8) Are we in presence of a threshold in the hormetic model? - 58:05

9) Why do you think the majority of the general public wouldn't or doesn't believe in the existence of a threshold?- 1:00:33

10) Can you talk about the process that would enable the (human) body to protect itself against radiations by means of radiation preconditioning? - 1:06:35

11) By the way, what quantities of mercury and lead (fed to animals to precondition them) are we talking about? - 1:12:40

12) Question regarding Prof. Calabrese's studies related to Chernobyl and Fukushima - 1:15:17

13) Is the hormetic model beginning to be considered by the nuclear regulatory commissions? - 1:21:19

14) How would the safety costs of a nuclear power plant reduce after honestly reviewing the LNT? - 1:24:38


Other documents related to this interview may follow up. Stay tuned!

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