The Hammonds

3 years ago

We celebrated a special day as Dwight and Steven Hammond were Pardoned by President Trump and freed from prison on July 10, 2018. We are proud to have played a key role in their release. Protect The Harvest, along with many other organizations, worked diligently with Congressman Greg Walden to inform Vice President Mike Pence and President Trump of this issue.. Justice was finally served on that day. Forrest Lucas was adamant that he needed to help them make their way home, so he did. With hundreds gathered to greet their plane, the Hammonds embraced their family members and happily waved at their friends and neighbors - eager to rejoin their community. Like many ranchers in the west, the Hammond’s are still under fire. The Hammond’s persecution by federal government officials is a twenty-year story. We have continued to work tirelessly to educate the public on the challenges ahead of the Hammond family and their ranch in Eastern Oregon. While their grazing permits were reinstated, those permits have come under attack by environmental extremist groups that have filed a lawsuit against the federal government to prevent the family from grazing their allotments. As a part of this effort to support both the Hammond family and other ranchers in the west, Protect The Harvest’s team members continued to explore the tactics environmental NGOs use to undermine agriculture and we found three more organizations worthy of exposing. The WildEarth Guardians, the Western Watershed Project and the Center for Biological Diversity all use and abuse the Equal Access to Justice Act and the Endangered Species Act to not only push an extremist agenda but also fundraise. They are exploiting these acts in order to entangle the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service in legal battles with the intent to settle and line their pockets.

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