The most amazing sightings of canary birds for 2021

3 years ago

Canaries Canaries are considered songbirds that have received great attention from people, and their name goes back to the Spanish Canary Islands , [1] and their original home is a group of Spanish islands; These are the Canary Islands, the islands of Madeira, and the Azores, [2] which are located off the northern coast of Africa, and there these small birds were discovered there, [3] and the canary was first bred in cages in the seventeenth century, where the possession of this bird became expensive and modern in its breeding Before the Spanish and English kings in the beginning, and the monks also cared about raising them and selling only male songbirds, but in the end, local citizens became interested in raising these birds, and many breeds arose through selective breeding, and it continues to this day to receive interest in raising them.

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