Thank You for Protecting the Harvest

3 years ago

Our Mission: Inform. Protect. Respond. • INFORM and EDUCATE Americans about the activities of animal rights groups, anti-agriculture groups and other non-governmental organizations that threaten agriculture, animal welfare, our traditions, and way of life. • PROTECT our freedoms and way of life by supporting agriculture, land use, hunting and fishing, animal ownership, and animal welfare. • RESPOND to laws, regulations, or misinformation that would negatively impact animal welfare, animal ownership, restrict our rights, and limit our freedoms. Why Protect The Harvest was Founded Protect The Harvest was created to defend and preserve American freedoms and to support farmers, ranchers, outdoor enthusiasts, and animal owners. Most Americans are unaware that there are special interest groups in America that have evolved into a wealthy and well-organized movement that is determined to change our way of life. These groups are aiming to control agriculture, land and water use, and eliminate human-animal interaction as well as hunting and fishing. Their approach is to reach their goal incrementally via influencing public opinion with misinformation and writing, funding and marketing legislation and regulations to suit their agenda. The end result is an America that is less free and less prosperous, the elimination of animal ownership and human-animal interaction, the elimination of our ability to provide affordable food for our families and the ability to enjoy traditional past times.

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