YouTube Banned This Senior Variety Show For Singing Sinatra

3 years ago

I am an entertainer. I make my living enteraining and singing the classics from the great crooners of yesterday. The majority of my fans are senior citizens. Before Covid hit I was performing for well over 150 retirement homes day after day, week after week, month after month for almost six years straight. Then Covid happened and my busy schedule came to crashing hault. But I wasn't going to be detered. So I took my performance online. It wasn't easy. A strange way to entertain. I missed the personal connection, as did all my fans. But we worked at it, and slowly I grew a small online fan base using YouTube as the medium to reach into the Retirement Homes, and seniors who know me from all over started to watch my shows. Believe it or not this isn't an easy transition for Seniors. They are generally speaking not YouTubers. Anyways, all was going well... well as well as can be expected giving the insanity everywhere but at least I was touching the lives of my fans and doing what I love to do. Then one day (just the other day in fact) YouTube (the place I built my online channel) banned my show for... get this... bans me for singing a Sinatra. Yes that's right. Sinatra.

Copyright violation you say? Well I've been singing Sinatra on YouTube the minute I started publishing last spring. Never a word... oh sure... they told me I couldn't monitize my shows. So what. I wasn't doing it for ad revenue. I was singing to keep in touch with the many Seniors I had come to know and love. What song, you ask?

Watch this video to learn more about why I was banned and the links below is the actual show cut up into two parts that YouTube banned. They are now hosted by another online video platform called HideoutTV. Shout out to HideoutTV for coming to the rescue. Please watch this video and then check out the show YouTube Banned.

(Since publihsing this piece YouTube has reverst its decision - but it took some effort. We are glad they came to their sense. But the long and the short it was so entirely unnecessary. Censorship is here and coming for the most innane things too... trust me my friends. We are all subject to the TechOver Lord's arbitrary whims.

Part One -

Part Two -

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