Florida Substitute Teacher Fired for Telling Students Antifa Stormed Capitol

3 years ago

Talk about instant karma on this Karen’s public freakout! If you like content like a substitute teacher in Florida spreading fake news about the DC Capitol riots, please subscribe: http://bit.ly/3oD0qg1

"When they're paid to be there and cause a riot they wanna make it look like Trump supporters so they wear Trump hats and carry Trump flags."

A Florida substitute teacher who was caught on video telling students Antifa was responsible for the Capitol riot has been fired. If you like content like this, be sure to hit that subscribe button below.

The principal at Bok Academy in Lake Wales, Florida says the teacher's conduct was immediately dealt with following the incident from earlier this week. A student at the academy started recording the substitute teacher's rant during a middle school language arts class in which she falsely claimed 3 Antifa members were paid to storm the Capitol in last week's failed coup, and were solely responsible for the violence.

The FBI released a statement that there is no indication Antifa played a role the Stop The Steal riots.

The substitute teacher was referencing a Washington Times story from last week with the headline "Facial Recognition Claims Antifa Infiltrated Trump Protesters who Stormed Capitol." The story has since been proved to be fake news.

Watching the video I can sense the discomfort in the room ... and one student asked for permission to leave, while another said they don’t care about her opinions.

"I don't care about your opinions."

Do you think the teacher should have been fired for speaking fake news about the DC Riots? Sound off in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe by hitting my face on the right hand side.

For more about a substitute teacher in Florida spreading fake news about the DC Capitol riots, please read http://www.joseph-morris.com/florida-substitute-teacher-rant-antia-dc-capitol-riots-2021

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