A little squirrel that takes these seeds

3 years ago

Sciurids are a family of rodent mammals whose name comes from the Latin Scurius, derived from the Greek σκίουρος composed of σκιά, skiá and οὐρά, ourá, this animal being able to shade itself with its tail.

Scientific name: Sciuridae

Speed: Gray squirrel: 32 km / h

Life expectancy: Marmota marmota: 15 - 18 years, Tamias sibiricus: 6 - 10 years

Weight: Gray squirrel: 400 - 600 g, Marmota marmota: 2.8 - 3.3 kg, More

Gestation period: Gray squirrel: 44 days, Marmota marmota: 33 - 34 days, More

Length: Gray squirrel: 23 - 30 cm, Marmota marmota: 42 - 54 cm, More

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