Covid-19, Creating the Need for a World Government

3 years ago

The Covid-19 “pandemic” is being used to create the need for a world government, ultimately a Chinese Communist world government.

China continues to state that Covid-19 started in a meat market in Wuhan and that it has a natural origin. However, it appears increasingly likely that the virus was manufactured at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the institute’s lab for bat coronavirus research.

The Chinese communist leaders knew that the virus was highly contagious very early on, and shut down travel between Wuhan and the rest of China. However, they encouraged Wuhan residents to travel to other parts of the globe, especially to European countries and the United States.

China returned to normal relatively quickly and they are being touted as having handled the virus much better than we have in the United States. However, have they handled it better, or do that have a better understanding of the viruses impact?

They were determined not to let their economy die in lockdowns. They opened up the economy and let Covid-19 run its course.

The entire purpose of unleashing the virus on the world was to catapult their economy into being the world’s largest. They were afraid that Trump’s economic success would make that goal even harder to achieve. They had to harm America’s socio-economic health and destroy Trump’s economy. Some powerful unpatriotic people in America are more than willing to help China achieve these goals.

In spite of all the media and globalists pronouncements, Covid-19 is not a pandemic, at least not in the public’s perception of the word.

Lee Atwater, a famous political consultant (some might say infamous), stated clearly a universal truth, “Perception is Reality.”

This understanding has been used to control people for as long as humanity has existed. We’ve had numerous examples in the past few years. For example, how many of your friends still believe that Trump colluded with the Russians? This perception, although proven to have been a lie, is reality to your mainstream media addicted friends.

The perception, and therefore the reality of a pandemic, to the vast majority of people, is a disease that kills millions and affects everyone on a personal level.

An analysis, which was published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, offers a complete picture of the impact of Covid-19. The researchers estimated total Covid-19 cases (identified and unidentified) at approximately 52.9 million. This would result an actual death rate of 0.07 percent, significantly less than the flu.

So why are there so many more deaths? The number of deaths is because Covid 19 is extremely contagious and a major problem for the elderly and those with other serious comorbidities. Regardless, for healthy people under 60, Covid-19 is no more dangerous than the common flu. Adults 65 and older account for 16 percent of the US population, but 80 percent of Covid-19 deaths.

Economically, Covid has been a disaster way beyond any impact of the virus itself. Almost 164,000 businesses have closed, the vast majority being small, independently owned, the life’s work of an individual or family, including many Black, Hispanic, and Asian businesses. Many of these small businesses will never open again and some communities, especially urban communities, will lose their access to groceries, medicine, etc.

Then, there’s the 32 million out of work, struggling to survive; the increase in child endangerment; the dramatic increase in the use of drugs, alcohol, and occurrence of suicide.

The Great Barrington Declaration, written by three medical researchers from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford. Currently 49,133 medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners have signed the declaration.

In part, the declaration states, “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.”

The World Health Organization Writing Group concluded that “forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical.”

Dr. David Nabarro, WHO's Special Envoy on Covid-19, added: “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer … And so, we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other.”

The reality is that lockdowns come with incredible collateral damage but appear to do little if anything to actually slow down the coronavirus.

There is ample proof that China is taking the correct path by refusing to lockdown its economy. However, we must make sure that those who are most vulnerable are protected.

The fact that we, and much of the world, are continuing the lockdowns, regardless of the massive proof that they cause significantly more suffering than Covid-19, leads me to only one conclusion. These lockdowns, and the associated fear, are designed to convince people that the only solution to their suffering is a world government.

The subjection of most of the worlds’ population to a highly controlling, potentially communist, world government is a nefarious goal indeed.

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