FREEDOM to Speak

3 years ago

In life the very definition of money in its most simple state represents LIFE FORCE. It is what you give your life or time for in exchange for payment. Whether by the hour, project or salary, when LIFE FORCE is given we are compensated by money which we exchange for others LIFE FORCE for food, clothes and a place to live.

This LIFE FORCE is also given in a free society as taxes for which we approve through our voice, debate and eventually law that we agree to abide by.

When our voice, or our freedom of speech, debate and eventual law is taken from us we, by definition are not free. We are slaves and what we are allowed to say, debate and reason, including laws, no longer is a consideration in policies or laws we must live under.

In LIFE DEFENSE then free speech is essential to FREEDOM. Even if we do not agree as a people, this debate effects our LIFE FORCE and FREEDOM. The Forefathers had it right. We must speak to be free.

Control of speech controls conversation, debate and eventually leads to the loss of our LIFE FORCE or enslavement. Restricting free speech is an attack on FREEDOM.

All people need to speak. I will preserve this right for all my brothers and sisters even if I do not agree with them.

Allen Hughes Life Defense


#lifedefense #livefree #allenhughes

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