The New Confederacy Part 6 [Greg Smith Show] How The System is Rigged Against Us?

3 years ago

New York Review
Every reasonably informed American knows that the only things rigged in this election are the Electoral College itself (in favor of less populated states that tend red), the decidedly undemocratic institution of the US Senate (a Republican majority represents a population smaller by 15 million than the Democrats), and the myriad ways the current administration has manipulated government agencies to influence voting.
How arrogant is the left that they think the “fly over states” are not essential? Where does their food come from? Energy?
What about Hunter biden story being buried by FBI for months?
What about durham holding out on the report until after the election?

It is indeed a Catch-22 for conservatives:
If we roll over and do nothing, then the extreme left and their corporate and political partners take control of the country and we will never see freedom again as they assert their “social justice” mandates along with their lockdown mandates.
If we fight back using the same tactics as the leftists or support martial law, then we ultimately erase the civil liberties protected within the Bill of Rights. Those rights will NEVER return (don’t believe the promises for a second) and we become history’s biggest hypocrites and a cautionary tale of the “dangers of nationalism” told to children generations from now, much like the Nazis.

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