Rain & Thunderstorm Ambiance Meditation with 432 hz to 528 hz Binuaral Beats Delta Brainwaves

3 years ago

This binaural beat track is best before bed. For more information on Binaural Beats you may see the about page: http://lothealing.com/what-are-binaural-beats-how-can-they-affect-our-brain/

In this track, if you feel inclined to, you can listen for the drum in the background and align your breathing with it. Breathing deeply and slowly can help guide you into the meditative state and is also good for your health as it brings in more oxygen.

Hacking Your Life Minds Group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1196078422422245376/feed
Hacking Your Life CloutHub Group: https://g.clouthub.com/group/hacking-your-life-with-meditations-affirmation-and-visualizations-law-of-attraction
As Above / Below LOA Life Coaching Website: https://www.asabovebelowloa.com/
Ho'oponopono Cleaning Service: https://www.fiverr.com/share/B8Rplb

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