Sydney Powell Krakens Supreme Court Smacks Brit Hume Chris Wallace Fox News Main Stream Media Lies

4 years ago

The Dr. Nasir Shaikh Show on the Conservative Commandos Radio Network & AUN-TV BroadCasting System produced on Tuesday December 29th 2020 Show Segment #4

TOPIC For Todays Show: We discuss Attorney Sydney Powell's radio Interview with Todd Herman and I give a verbal SMACKDOWN to Brit Hume of Fox News aka FAUX NEWS for his idiotic, stupi, moronic, Assinine tweet directed to President Trump.


The Dr. Nasir Shaikh Show is part of the Conservative Commandos Radio Network & The AUN-TV Broadcasting System in California. It can be heard weekly on The Conservative Commandos Radio Network on our affiliate stations in Jacksonville, Tampa and The Villages, Florida, Las Vegas, Reno and Sparks, Nevada, Macon, Georgia, Lancaster and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Boulder and Colorado Springs, Colorado, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Long Beach, California, Arlington, Virginia and Washington, DC.


The Dr. Nasir Shaikh Show can be seen on TV broadcast on the America Uncensored TV Network (AUN-TV) in the following cites in California like San Francisco, San Rafael, Marin, North Bay, San Jose, Silicon Valley, Santa Rosa, Wine Country, Redding, Sacramento, Chico and Monterey. We will soon be in Carson City, Tahoe and Reno, Nevada.


Dr. Nasir brings his own unique style of Reagan Conservative "Media Talk" & Trumpian "Prag-Servatism" (Pragmatic Conservatism) Philosophical Nationalist Populist approach to everyday topics dealing with issues ranging from "American Exceptionalism", Globalist vs Populist Nationalism, Conservatism vs Leftism, Defending the 1st & 2nd Amendments, Promoting Pro-Life, God & Religion in America and sprinkling in Geo-Political world events, Arts & Entertainment along with Sports all the while battling against the Marxist Media Industrial Complex which consists of the Main Stream Media, The Alphabet Networks, The Democratic State Party Media Cabal, The Elitist Hollywood Hypocrites & Leftwing Academic Institutions.


Our Mission Statement & Purpose for this show is to enlist help of Like-Minded Freedom & Liberty loving patriots who LOVE AMERICA UNCONDITIONALLY. All of want to be able to pursue "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Together we are battling for the "SOUL" of this Republic by fighting against the "Planetary Pandemic Virus" {PPV} of Academic Postmodernism, Globalism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, ISIS-ism, Elitism, The Marxist Mainstream Media, The Democratic State Party controlled Alphabet Network Cabal & forces from within the Deep State. This PPV is sweeping across Europe & has already made it onto our American shores & penetrated deep into our country, our homes, our schools, our colleges & universities, our children, our workplaces, our places of worship, our government & all every other aspect of our daily lives.

We proclaim with one Common Voice All Lives Matter, All Black Lives Matter, All White Live Matter, All Brown Lives Matter, All Blue Lives Matter, All Colors of Lives Matter & especially All Babies Lives Matter.

We are 1000% Pro-Life, we "Give Voice to the Voiceless", "Defend the Un-Defended". We cherish our 1A, Defend & Protect our 2A because as we all know, w/o the 2A we don't have the 1st.

We would be honored if you SUBSCRIBED to our channel & shared our videos with all your friends, family & like minded American patriots.

Thank you
Dr. Nasir Shaikh
The Conservative Commandos Radio Network
AUN-TV Broad Casting Network

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