Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For YOU?

3 years ago

Listen up!
Most of you have not had the “pleasure” of living under authoritarianism. I have. Let’s just say society looks much different and is a lot less free than the American society to which we are accustomed.
Do you like your freedom of speech? Well, it’s not free. If you are even allowed to say something, it comes at a higher and higher cost. If the government or the online censors don’t get you, your trusty neighbor might be the one to turn on you.
Do you like your freedom of commerce? What happens when the government wants to stomp it out through their enforcers? You think you are safe just because the tech oligarchs are privately owned…for now? It doesn’t matter. Pick your poison. How about your local health department? They’ll be happy to take you down too in the name of public health. Why not?! How about banks and credit card companies? What’s your political affiliation? Oh, Republican? Wrong answer. We are closing your account, canceling your credit cards, and don’t even bother applying for that loan. Nah, that won’t happen…right?

Hear me when I’m telling you, the Democratic Party leadership in America is nearly indistinguishable from the Communist Party of China (CCP) at this point. The Republican Party isn't going to save us either. This is not a personal ideological statement as much as is an observational assertion based off personal experience. Ignore me at your own peril! You may “enjoy” seeing people on the other side of the political aisle take it on the chin a bit as we speak. But what if you find yourself in the crosshairs of THE Party? What if some day the powers that be get sick of mob rule and take you out too? Oh, but you were just a spectator, you weren’t part of the violent mob, you didn’t do anything wrong, they wouldn’t do that would they? You mean like how 99.9% of the people at the Capitol last week were spectators and were just exercising their first amendment right to peacefully assemble? None of those people are publicly shamed right? None of those people are living in fear right now wondering if their employer or the authorities will come after them simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, right? There is absolutely no pressure for businesses not to employ, serve, or work with people who are not with THE Party, right?
Please stop fooling yourselves thinking you are some warrior in the American Revolution. At best, you are joining in a French Revolution that ends up with your head on the guillotine just like mine. At worst, you are caught up in a Communist takeover of not just the greatest country in the history of mankind, but their attempted takeover of the world. In reality, it’s probably some sick combination of the two styles of revolution, both antithetical to the American spirit. You want to sing about unity? Ok, well what are you uniting yourself to and what if we don’t want to attend the party you are inviting us to? Do we deserve to be cast out of society? What are YOU going to do when you fall short of complete allegiance to THE Party? Whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?

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