No Evidence Parler Users Stormed Capitol

3 years ago

Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald reports that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was largely planned on Facebook and NOT A SINGLE user of Parler has been arrested. with today's ALG Minute. I'm Catherine Mortensen. While Big Tech has baselessly taken down Parler and banned the app from smartphones, according to Greenwald, not a single user of Parler has been arrested for their involvement in the Capitol riot. Just as it was wrong to take down Parler, it would be equally wrong to destroy Facebook’s due to it being used as an organizing tool for political violence.

If Amazon, Google and Apple held Facebook to the same standards that they’ve falsely held Parler to, Facebook would now be similarly deplatformed. Americans for Limited Government abhors Big Tech’s knee-jerk abuse of power against Parler on false claims that they were advocating violence. To take action against Big Tech and demand lawmakers rein in their abuse of power, go to GETLIBERTY.ORG

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