An Invitation to Come to Christ

4 years ago

Come to Christ! We are saved solely by Jesus Christ, the redeemer of this fallen world!

I invite you on an incredible journey down a narrow road to a narrow gate! Only a few will find this narrow gate I speak of and there will be troubles along the way, but I can promise you it will all be worth it!

The journey along this narrow road leads to eternal life!

Who ever is a true believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared.
A new way of living has come into existence!
Like a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

Come to Christ! The redeemer of the world

Learn more at

Music: Time To Fly by Cody Martin

Many differing churches exist, all claiming to be God’s true Church and instituted by Christ. These churches are divided by different beliefs, teachings and traditions. How can they all be right? Are none right? Which one did Jesus build? Which one do you belong?

Let’s discuss the basics of the gospel and find out what the church really is and who is part of it.

Don’t forget to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you don’t miss an episode!

Joseph Stansel

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