Full Body Bodybuilding Workout Routine

3 years ago

Here is a full-body bodybuilding workout that I did at Planet Fitness. It's pretty intense depending on your fitness level, but there are ways you can go about making this workout easier for you. Check below for the workout routine.

Workout Routine:

Back Squats - 3x10/1 min break
Smith Machine Reverse Lunges - 3x10/1 min break
Straight Leg Deadlift - 3x10/1 min break
Hamstring Curls - 3x10/30 sec break (optional)
Leg Extension - 3x10/30 sec break (optional)

Lat Pulldowns - 3x10/30-sec break
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 3x10/30 break
Cable or Machine Rows - 3x10/30 break
Bicep Curls - 3x10/30 break


Close Grip Dumbbell Press - 3x10
Chest Flys - 3x10
1min break

Dumbbell Overhead Press 3x10
Lateral Raises - 3x10
1 min break

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