3 years ago

This was submitted by the people recording it, from somewhere in TX.

The Insurrection Act was invoked on Jan. 7th after President Trump publicly denounced the violence and riots at The Capitol on Jan. 6th (he had to do this to fulfill the official requirements needed to invoke the act).

Evidence was found of widespread voting fraud, carried out in part by the Italian government and the Vatican, along with others, and major political leaders from Italy have been taken into custody. Trump went through ALL available means possible to get the fraud case heard by the courts, but they all rejected hearing it. So this process you'll see playing out now is needed in order to finally bring the evidence to light for all the world to see.

This is all for the good of the people of America and for the entire world, as the evil corrupted politicians, corrupt news media, corrupt business leaders, and entire corrupt corporations are actively being rounded up or shut down all across the country in a huge military sting operation that has been in the works by heroes for over 50 years.

Thru the military's access to the intel of the entire NSA, CIA, FBI along with the data/dirt/evidence discovered from the 20+ politician laptops that were confiscated during the Capitol riots, they already have mountains of evidence to prosecute thousands of the worst kind of people ever to live on this planet.

This in the end means a better, more prosperous and equal world for all of us to enjoy and our future generations.

This is THE most important revolution the world has ever seen, as the entire oligarch power structure is toppled to the ground in just a matter of weeks.

Stay safe and stay watchful everyone, things are going to be OK!

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