Brazil National Anthem (Instrumental) Hino Nacional Brasileiro

3 years ago

The "Brazilian National Anthem" (Portuguese: Hino Nacional Brasileiro) was composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva in 1831 and had been given at least two sets of unofficial lyrics before a 1922 decree by President Epitácio Pessoa gave the anthem its definitive, official lyrics, by Joaquim Osório Duque-Estrada, after several changes were made to his proposal, written in 1909.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Adored Land
Amongst thousand others
art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland
Of the sons of this ground
Thou art kind mother
Beloved homeland, Brazil

Brazilian National Anthem / Himno Nacional del Brasil / Nationalhymne von Brasilien / Hymne National du Brésil / Гимн Бразилии / Inno Nazionale Brasiliano / Himna Brazila / Hymn Brazylii / Inno Nazionale del Brasile / ブラジルの国歌 / Brazilská Hymna

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