INFINITY WITHIN ~ A Self Portrait by Carol Ann Henderon

3 years ago

Imperfect as we believe we are, and limited as we might sometimes think we my be - the truth is, in the eyes of God, we are perfect, and in actuality, we are as limitless within, as the infinity of the universe which surrounds us is. There's no depth too deep to reach within ourselves, no dream to vast to comprehend, and no heartfelt emotion to great to grasp ~ particularly where love is concerned. There may be a limit to the words we can find to describe such phenomenon; but the feelings themselves are intact infinite within ourselves. Our loving souls are fathomless; as is our imagination. When you look out to the expansive mysteries of the night sky, you can look within in much the same way. I did my best to illustrate this visually for you here. God Bless You. Thanks for stopping by. Please give me a rumble! Love, Carol Ann

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