If We Use Violence, We Will Lose!, 3450

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
I know what you want me to talk about. Has the President signed the Insurrection Act proclamation and are mass arrests forthcoming? I have only three interesting data points in that regard.
#1: The president was seen at the White House this morning boarding his helicopter on his way to the Alamo.
Is the Alamo significant? Probably.
#2. Have mass arrests begun? Very unlikely. Impossible to keep that sort of thing quiet – especially in Washington, D.C.
#3. However, the President has declared a State of Emergency from yesterday through Jan. 20th. According to CBN:
“… FBI is warning of what's to come. Statehouses coast to coast are boarding up, preparing for protests and potentially dangerous demonstrations. This as federal authorities say an unnamed, armed group is calling for "storming" government buildings if President Trump is removed from office before January 20th.”
Violent revolution of any sort is not the answer. God is testing our faithfulness. He will show us the way to preserve the Republic. He didn’t bring this nation this far to kill it.
I realize that patriots are out there who think revolution a la Thomas Jefferson is the only answer. But I’m not a big Jefferson fan. Why do you think Pelosi & company are doing everything they can do to inflame Trump supporters?
Because they are the minions of Satan - the MOS.
If we don’t demonstrate that we can solve this without violence, then we are merely demonstrating that governance by “the rule of law” is all a fraud.
This is our test. Do we really believe that this is the best form of governance ever devised by the mind of man?
God is testing our faithfulness. He has another solution. I just know it in my spirit. But we have to rely on Him, not meeting violence with more violence.
This is the ultimate test of this nation’s history. Please think about how Jesus would respond to this situation.
Yes, he chased the moneychangers from the temple, but did that solve that problem? No. That was Christ’s one act of violence, and what do you know, that turned out to be THE defining human problem ever since.
I want to beseech everyone listening to this to stand down. This is coming live and direct from the Holy Spirit living within me. This is THE turning point in this battle for world freedom.
If you trust the President, you know that he is the only human on earth right now armed with all the information. Let him lead.
We all know he has the power to do this – if he thinks it’s the best way to do it. He may be a late comer to listening to that still, small voice, but Donald J. Trump is in charge, and we know from the testimony of presidents past that when you are sitting in that chair, you can feel the weight of history – those voices of the one million Americans who have given their lives to defend a concept.
The President has the power. None of you can for one second believe that he doesn’t. Miracles have been clearly demonstrated. We have got to let this rest in his hands.
The Minions of Satan are wickedly clever. At every one of these demonstrations you will see MOS representatives push themselves to the front trying to incite. They are called agent provocateurs. I’ve seen them at big demonstrations in D.C. since 1971 – that’s 50 years ago!
If you go to a state capital demonstration, the only forceful response you should make would be against anyone trying to provoke you into a violent response against any sort of government representative or entity.
In martial arts, you don’t forcefully totally block a punch, you merely give it a little sideways push – just enough to divert that energy to go right on by you. All you care about is that that negative energy misses the intended target. As their negative energy is expended, you will quickly see that their punches will get wilder and even less effective once you pursue this path.
But wait for God’s counterpunch. It will be much more powerful that anything humans could dream up.
These people are so far in the wrong that they will never survive the scrutiny of history. That’s why they are acting so desperately. That’s why I started calling them Desperados.
The only way we can lose at this point is to hit back – use negative energy the way they use negative energy in this fight.
Be cool. Be kind. Do the right thing. Obey all laws within the framework of our God-given Constitution. Otherwise, even if we win, we will lose.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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