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Critical Disclosure – Rebirth of a Nation

4 years ago

Please join me, Dave vonKleist, Jason Q Janiszewski, and Kelli Higgins as we analyze the historic events unfolding before our eyes

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Website: https://criticaldisclosure.com
Website: https://montanagazetteradio.com

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  • 0/2000
  • Jason Q is the best!! Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with all of us.

  • Did I hear correctly that President Trump resigned Nesara? When? Thank you

    1 like
  • Thank you, Jason, you are a breath of fresh air. I love all the information that you are giving us. Finally, someone who really knows what he's talking about, God bless you. Love this show, it was very good, thank you

    1 like
  • Thank God for getting the word out. Known Dave for almost 40 years. Call me and let me know if my company can help. Great to have a single source for the truth.

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