Коляда "Нова радість стала /‘New joy is here’ Ukrainian Christmas carol

4 years ago

Коляда "Нова радість стала" - солісти Дмитро Фощанка, Василь Сащук, Олександр Вознюк Оркестр Київської Опери, диригент Ділявер Осман
‘New joy is here’ (Nova radist stala) great example of combination of religious rituals and caroling tradition. This song tells the news about birth of Christ as well.Soloists: Dmitry Foschanka, Vasyl Sashchuk, Oleksandr Voznyuk Orchestra of the Kiev Opera, conductor Diliver Osman

Ukraine, just all other Christian countries that live by the Julian calendar, celebrates Christmas on January 6 and 7.

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