WALK IN A REAL MEDIEVAL CASTLE! 🏰🐉VIRTUAL TOUR 👑 - Castle of Santa Bárbara, Alicante

3 years ago

The Castle of Santa Bárbara is located on the summit of Mount Benacantil, at an altitude of 166 meters. In it is one of the largest medieval fortresses in Spain, from which the bay of Alicante can be perfectly seen.

On its slopes archaeological remains from the Bronze Age, Iberian and Roman have been found, but the origin of the current fortress must be sought at the end of the 9th century with the Muslim domination.

A fortress elevated on the coast with undoubted historical value and that allows you to enjoy exceptional panoramic views.

It owes its name because on December 4, 1247, on the saint's day, the troops of the Infante Alfonso de Castilla took the old Muslim stronghold.

According to legend, when the lands of Alicante were dominated by Muslims, a caliph ruled the city.

Of all his offspring, he was especially proud of his daughter Cántara. Due to her beauty, she had no shortage of suitors, although only two enjoyed the approval of the father: Almanzor, a Cordovan general, and a young nobleman named Ali.

The caliph proposed a challenge to them to choose a candidate. Almanzor left for India in search of silks and rich spices. Ali decided to create a canal that would carry water to the city from Tibi.

The former returned successfully and the caliph, impressed, gave him his daughter's hand. When Ali heard the news, he jumped desperately to the bottom of a ravine. The impact of his body split the earth in two, miraculously gushing out the water.

Cántara, upon learning of Alí's sad end, went to the San Julián mountains, where he also threw himself into the void. The caliph died of grief. They say that, since then, his face was forever marked on Mount Benacantil and that the neighbors, overwhelmed by this love story, decided to change the name of the city by joining the names of the two lovers: Alí and Cántara.

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