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Day One at the Range with the New Dueling Tree

4 years ago

Product info:
This product can be purchased at Amazon ( https://amzn.to/3dkVO99 ) or directly from the MFG (at https://deschutesmetalworks.com/ ) at the same cost. Both options have free shipping. The version currently being sold directly by Deschutes has 3 vertical slots, the version he sells thru Amazon has 1, so I ordered directly from the MFG.

This product was purchased with my own money (nobody gives free stuff to someone with just 25 subscribers), and for my own amusement.

Unboxing and assembly shown in: https://youtu.be/G1OGY0OKWoA

Finally got some nice weather on one of my days off, so we took our new toy to the range and shot the shit out of it.
The tree held up great to .22lr from both rifles and pistols. I wish I bought one of these years ago, lots of fun.
My primary camera's battery died as we were transitioning to rifles, so I only have a little cell phone video of bench shooting.
This video is very long, so I put my review and the better shooting towards the front.

Just as an FYI, my wife and I are not expert marksmen (as you'll see if you watch the whole video), we are just a couple in our 50's that enjoys shooting and spending time together at the range.

As an aside, I've ordered the Lakeline fibre optic sights for both of the TX22s. I was able to nail The Tree with my S&W Victory, but I was sucking with my TX22. I finally figured out the Point Of Aim to hit the target and it was basically front post pegged left and 3 inches high to get a hit. Sweety's sights were better aligned. To make things fair tho, I got a set of new sights for both our dueling pistols.
This was also day one for my TX22 and it performed flawlessly, no break in period needed, however I need to get some locktite on the thread protector as it kept unscrewing itself.


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