路得記講道系列:同工異曲 Different Tunes Sung With Equal Skill - 路得記 4:13-17a

4 years ago

黃紹權牧師 – 多倫多以馬內利華人浸信會
題目:同工異曲 Different Tunes Sung With Equal Skill - 路得記 4:13-17a

(1) 神樂與“有耳可聽” 的人同工(4:13)
- 娶(לָקַח)了路得為妻子
- 買贖(קָנָה)的交易動詞
(2) “有耳卻不可聽”的人對神的膚淺了解(4:14-15)
- “俄備得”,意思是“one who serves 來服侍的一位”,明顯是一種酸溜溜的諷刺

13. 於是,波阿斯娶了路得為妻,與她同房。耶和華使她懷孕生了一個兒子。14. 婦人們對拿俄米說:「耶和華是應當稱頌的!因為今日沒有撇下你,使你無至近的親屬。願這孩子在以色列中得名聲。
15. 他必提起你的精神,奉養你的老,因為是愛慕你的那兒婦所生的。有這兒婦比有七個兒子還好!」
16. 拿俄米就把孩子抱在懷中,作他的養母。
17. 鄰舍的婦人說:「拿俄米得孩子了!」就給孩子起名叫俄備得。這俄備得是耶西的父,耶西是大衛的父。

4:13 So Boaz married Ruth and had sexual relations with her. The LORD enabled her to conceive and she gave birth to a son.
4:14 The village women said to Naomi, “May the LORD be praised because he has not left you without a guardian today! May he become famous in Israel!
4:15 He will encourage you and provide for you when you are old, for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, has given him birth. She is better to you than seven sons!”
4:16 Naomi took the child and placed him on her lap; she became his caregiver.
4:17 The neighbor women named him, saying, “A son has been born to Naomi.” They named him Obed. Now he became the father of Jesse—David’s father!

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