VP Pence Wrong on the Constitution!, 3449

4 years ago

Good morning, I’m Still reporting on the coup.
Vice President Mike Pence had every right to do what he did on Wednesday and early Thursday morning and allow the electoral votes from the disputed states to be counted.
It was his decision and his decision alone to make. Being elected to a position of authority means that you have to make tough choices that effect in this case not millions of lives, but billions of lives since the president of the United States of America is the most powerful human being on the planet.
But Pence was not man enough to admit that he was making the decision that fraudulent voting in the presidential election would be allowed. He made the decision, but he refused to own that decision.
Instead Pence wimped out and said that he didn’t have the authority.
Pence states in his letter to Trump:
“As a student of history who loves the Constitution and reveres its Framers, I do not believe that the Founders of our country intended to invest the Vice President with unilateral authority to decide which electoral votes should be counted during the Joint Session of Congress, and no Vice President in American history has ever asserted such authority.”
This statement goes right along with the radical left’s efforts to rewrite history. Not only have vice presidents asserted that authority, but one of the vice presidents who did so was Thomas Jefferson who also happens to be one of the Founders of the United States of America, so he didn’t have to do any historical research to determine what the Founders intended, he knew.
In 1800 Thomas Jefferson was vice president, John Adams was president and the two were running against each other for president.
The electoral slate from Georgia four votes was considered deficient, it did not meet the legal standards to be submitted to Congress to be counted. However, Jefferson and Jefferson alone decided to count the legally deficient slate of electors giving himself the four votes from Georgia and enough votes to defeat Adams. It took Jefferson a while to defeat his vice president Aaron Burr, but Jefferson made the decision to count the deficient electoral votes from Georgia that gave him the victory over Adams.
In the election of 1856, Congress could not reach a decision on counting the votes from Wisconsin which were challenged. The electors because of a blizzard did not meet on the appointed day, but met a day later. Congress could not resolve the issue, but the vice president decided to count the votes. Since counting or not counting Wisconsin would not change the outcome of the election, it was not as controversial as in 1800 when Jefferson elected himself president by counting the deficient electoral votes from Georgia.
Jefferson clearly believe that the Constitution gave him the power to make the decision on the votes from Georgia and just how deficient the electoral votes were was not known until Jefferson opened the envelope which was itself deficient. Jefferson could have thrown the question to Congress to make the decision on whether or not to accept the votes that did not meet the form specifically spelled out in the Constitution, but he did not. He decided that as Vice President he had the power to make that decision.
Making the argument that the Vice President has the power to count legally deficient electoral votes, but does not have the power not to count fraudulent electoral votes is apparently the legal argument being made.
Or perhaps the argument is that Jefferson overstepped his authority and was therefore an illegitimate president.
Pence could argue that the interpretation of the Constitution has changed, but to claim that no vice president in history had ever asserted such authority is rewriting history.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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