Who am I Take up the mantle of leadership wherever and in whatever capacity we find ourselves.

4 years ago

We are beginning to see signs of persecution against God’s people. In other parts of the world, it is much worse. In France they have recently outlawed the ritual slaughter of animals. That means no more kosher meat for Jews in France. China has started identifying Christian churches and destroying their buildings. Believers in Nigeria are in an existential struggle with the Muslim extremist group Boco Haram. I could go on with examples from around the globe, but you get the picture.

We need to be prepared to defend our faith with our lives if need be. I believe it will come to that in this country. We need to know deep down inside us “Who Am I”? We need to be prepared to give an account as to Who we serve.

God called Moses to be a leader. Then in the course of the Exodus he delegated authority and leadership down to leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. The tens being basically a family unit. We are all called to be leaders. In whatever capacity we find ourselves we need to be leaders, in our jobs, schools, communities, and families. It is imperative that we step up and be leaders, not simple-minded followers who blindly follow every foolish whim of government, media, Hollywood, and professional sports. They are not our leaders. We should be following the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We should be keeping the commandments of God.

Slide 10: If you love Me
Yeshua said in John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. Yeshua is our leader. In Him we find our identity. That’s where we should begin and end in our search for who we are.

Slide 11:Who am I Outro
I end with returning to the title of this sermon. Who Am I? Only you can answer that. We can be more than what we are. We need to take up the mantle of leadership wherever we are and in whatever capacity we find ourselves. Leaders lead.

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