Lt Gen McInernay Explains Nancy Pelosi's laptop was taken: Special Forces

3 years ago

Lt Gen McInernay... Nancy Pelosi is trying to get him out via the 25th amendment or to impeach him. Why? Well you had some people there on Wednesday who were special forces, mixed in with ANTIFA, and the took Nancy Pelosi’s laptop and they have that data. She is frantic. You only have 12 days until the 20th of January just let him go out. No they are terrified. I also believe they have a source that is talking like a songbird and the President is going to spring that person on us. And that is going to change everything because it is someone who decided not to go along with it. Because this is treason. So could he use the emergency broadcast system. Did you see the email about the emergency broadcast system. So there are these little things going around that you need to pay attention to. Wednesday is a distraction… it’s a tactical deception

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