wow rapture signs part two - the message of rapture is consistent because it is God's Plan -

3 years ago

Luke 21:25 there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars...

The clear Message of Rapture continued after the signs shown in part one.

The connections between Strongs, Eclipses, Blood Moons, and Jewish Feasts showed a consistent message that the RAPTURE IS COMING AS PART OF GODS PLAN AND PROMISE....

there are many things pointed as as "end time signs" which are valid, but there are very clear signs that give us clear indication that the rapture is part of God's great plan of redemption...

We had four blood moons on the first and last Jewish Feast Days - 2014-2015 - that was blood moons on Passover / Tabernacles two years in a row...

Then we had the astounding Revelation 12 sign appear on September 23rd, 2017

For understanding of the Revelation 12 sign, click this link below...

Biblically why was the "child snatched up to God" a reference to the rapture?

Dr. Michael Svigel of DTS Seminary - article on the pre-trib rapture


The information in this short video shows God's clear indication that He is planning to rapture the true believers - it is for sure...

Luke 21:25 - there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars -

three verses later

Luke 21:25 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

for understanding of the gospel

for more end time rapture signs

Consider this day that time is short - after the rapture will be the 70th week of Daniel - the last 7 years of earth history before Jesus comes to rule for 1000 years on this earth -


This is nearing the END OF THE AGE OF GRACE

and nearing the END OF THE AGE OF THE GENTILES...

The time of Jacob's Trouble will soon begin

Jeremiah 30:7

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