Daddy Loves You Forever

4 years ago
75 song, my farewell, for my daughter is real and I couldn't be happier with the results. Ryan Whyte Maloney of TruNorth Studios took my lyrics and melded them into what I could only dream of doing and I am eternally grateful.

I combed through family photos and clips to make a video for the song and now I will always have a way to say goodbye to my Nissa and tell her how much I love her.

This song is for all the daddy's girls out there. It really is. Share it if you think it might benefit someone that has lost or misses their daddy. Every daddy loves their daughter, but not all know how to express it.

Stay tuned to the very end, as Nissa has a message of her own for anyone that would mess with Daddy's Girl 😉

Daddy Loves You Forever
Written By: Chuck Montgomery and Ryan Whyte Maloney
Music/Vocals: Ryan Whyte Maloney (​)
Video: Chuck Montgomery

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