The Planned Pandemic - Part III - Centers for Deceit & Control

3 years ago

[Editor's Note: this video was uploaded to YouTube in May of 2020 and was banned after 10,000+ views]

Planned Pandemic part 3 shows you the many ways in which the Centers for Disease Control has attempted to deceive the public, the news, and multiple governments.

Even though it is painfully obvious, we can see that they are still persisting with their lies, false numbers, and fear-mongering... with the ulimate goal of a worldwide "warp speed" vaccine. That means untested, just like the swine flu vaccine, which was a "fiasco" according to history books and a recent article in the Washington Post.

Have you all heard of that virus that slowly eats out your brain? It's been around for years, and it's called CNN and fake news. So then, the lawmakers and politicians are going off this false information and creating new legislation based on lies and exaggeration. Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) admitted this in an interview with Bill Maher.

NOTE: In retrospect, I would not have superimposed "fake news" over the Tucker Carlson screen grab. I like Tucker and watch his show, however, I believe Chris Cuomo is the "fake news" in that screen grab.

📰Madagascar News 📰

Even news sources such as CNN and NBC will keep reporting the inflated death counts -- after we have already shown that they are lying -- and now they are projecting "3,000 deaths per day" in June, even though the modeling they used previously was incorrect. (But, but, but... it is "science" they will say, while ignoring actual science.). Truth is, they have a Persistency Bias, and need to report this 3,000 death count -- even if it's NOT happening -- in order to stay consistent and appear like they are the authority.

Thus, it is very easy to manipulate info in the media, and this is what is called "media warfare" which then results in "legal warfare", which is reflected in the draconian lockdown orders coming from governors and mayors in areas where politicians attempt to ignore your constitutional rights. (You still have those rights by the way, but you might have to quote them to a police officer, showing them that "laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void" and then you may still have to undergo arrest for civil disobedience and fight in court. Is it worth it? That's what they're counting on. Some people are up for that challenge.

This is why I'm recommending we disconnect our cable service (hit them where it hurts, don't pay for cable or satellite TV) and watch alternative sources on YouTube, such as: London Real, Next News Network, One America News, Valuetainment, Epoch Times, and other independent journalists and news sources. Drop the mainstream news! Also, let your oppressive elected officials know that you're awake and you won't be voting for them again.

On that note, the protests we have been seeing are awesome, and give me so much hope. You are all the real heroes. Hopefully our leaders will see that we know this lockdown is a hoax, even though the virus is a real (yet minor) threat.

Remember, most of the sheep (including politicians) are still believing in the hyped numbers. Even with those hyped numbers, it's still not very dangerous! Only a 0.00003% chance of dying worldwide, and a 99.987% rate of survival in USA, if you catch it. We absolutely cannot trust the modeling from the CDC and WHO!


Part 1 - They Bet Your Life

Part 2 - A Detailed Timeline

Part 3 - Centers for Deceit & Control

Part 4 - The Social Gestapo

Part 5 - Who is Lying to You? (banned video)

Part 6 - The Mark of the Beast

💉 Bill Gates' Bloodline [Banned Video]

$13,000 Insurance Payout with Covid19 Case / $39K for Ventilators

*Test Kits Had the Virus in the Swab*

📘 "EMERGING VIRUSES" Free Book by Dr. Leonard Horowitz 📖

"The Truth About Vaccines" w/ Ty Bollinger

Doctor Rashid Buttar Website

* SPECIAL THANKS * JimBob Peltaire - Made By Jim Bob * Cartoons & Video

* Video Clips from "The Matrix" and allowed under Fair Use for Educational Purposes*



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