Absentee ballots with serial numbers in sequence from the same area with like signatures

3 years ago

Hima Kolanagireddy, GOP Poll Challenger, testified at the Michigan House Oversight Committee Hearing, on Dec. 2:

"It is when they would scan a ballot, nothing would come on the system, so they would manually enter these. That’s when I figured out that they were not even referring to the poll book ... They were all in sequence. These are absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, they can’t be in sequence … If they mail in, they come in all different numbers. When I start noticing all these numbers almost next to each other … My antennas went up, exactly when I thought something is not right here ... There was not even a date on those envelopes ... These sequence ballot numbers were all from the same area, like the Guarded Street in downtown Detroit. Guarded Street, sequential ballots, signatures were all like, they have no date stamp … They were none of them coming up in the system. They were all being entered manually ... They even knew none of them would be in the pollbook or in the system."

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