Ash Sarkar Destroyed: She Doesn't Understand Communism and Economics

4 years ago

I was requested to check out Ash Sarkar and decided to do my own research on her. It didn't take me long to find her views and is very clear by her words as she seems very assure of herself that she's a communist.

She doesn't understand communism or economics, you can hear the typical socialist flipflopping as one minute she speaks about people being paid wages, then mentions about using money, but ignores what communism is theoretically, most importantly, she couldn't even tell you where money comes from. I'd love to see her abolish the private sector without dictatorship and run the printing press.

Ash Sarkar is a team member of Novara Media I was requested to respond to on Fully Automated Communism, which is something I will get around to. I had just newly discovered she was a part of Novara Media. It's quite humorous to say the least, the argument on automation has been debunked countless times over and the erroneous claims that it is leading to higher job losses is utter nonsense and what you would find through research, the complete opposite is the truth.

This is something I left out, but what you find with socialists is they are very good at making baseless claims and assertions, such as Ash Sarkar's bold claim that money ends up in the hands of the elite, as if to claim this is what would happen in a capitalist system. Nothing could be farther from the truth and history proves it. She can harp off about corporatism all she wants, that isn't capitalism and all the socialist government interventionism as I reiterate is the cause of such wage suppression, etc.

Her argument even on immigration proves she's completely oblivious of the laws of supply and demand, doesn't understand prices and thinks you can just have an unlimited open door policy and that scarcity isn't real. Socialists are clueless when it comes to economic reality, they don't understand the fact scarcity is real and isn't something which you could ignore.

Again, if you wish to learn about scarcity and resource allocation, watch my 3 videos on the Economic Calculation Problem, only then you will begin to understand; profits and losses, the variety of options and a fuller understanding of the economic calculation problem on scarcity, as well as why supercomputers could never solve the problem.

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