The Coronavirus Recovery Plan: Back to Normal by June? | 4/30/20

4 years ago

Estrogen used to battle the coronavirus? Coronavirus is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, and homophobic virus. Let my people fish already! Another new symptom of COVID-19? Pat has some strong feelings about what Dr. Fauci is saying about sports returning. YouTube responds to removing a video of California doctors speaking against coronavirus guidelines. President Trump shares optimistic outlook on country’s coronavirus recovery. The potential "new normal" is scary, except in Texas, where alcohol to go could become permanent. Economy shrank by nearly 5 percent this quarter, worst since 2009. Keith has reservations for dinner Friday night as Texas reopens. Signs of hope? Pat’s wife started a cookie company! Cops show up at a woman’s house because her child had a playdate. Jared Kushner promises we will be back to normal by June. Mayor of Nashville John Cooper plans to raise property taxes during a global pandemic. 3.8 million more file for unemployment. Democrat governors give props to President Donald Trump and his team's efforts in the coronavirus aid. Mail-in votes in 2020 election a legit option? White House administration aims to have vaccines out by later this year, despite what Dr. Fauci says. The Left has been suspiciously silent about the Joe Biden-Tara Reade allegations. Mayor de Blasio: How does New York put up with him?

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