Would You Take a Bill Gates Coronavirus Vaccine? | 5/6/20

4 years ago

SWAT team called in to stop a bar from opening? Salon owner fined and jailed for opening up and calling out the judge about her right to work. The ever-widening liberal/conservative divide in America. Will you get the coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available? Elon Musk and Tom Cruise looking to film a movie in outer space? Nicolas Cage’s new role as the tiger king. A group of billionaires, including Bill Gates, is investing in making a vaccine for COVID-19. Will anyone take the vaccine when it is ready? The history of polio. Does wearing a mask out in public really work? The cops surrounded a girl dressed up in a stormtrooper outfit. NYC cop drags a regular citizen because he wasn’t social distancing. Five-year-old gets pulled over by a state trooper for reckless driving. Can you buy a Lamborghini for three bucks? Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has officially banned all guns in Canada. A truck-sized asteroid is only 4,350 miles away. Will 2021 be any better? Deals on traveling. Carnival Cruise Line will be running pretty soon. Frontier Airlines allowing passengers to pay extra to keep the middle seat open. Air traffic is down by 95%. Disney profits down 91%.

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