The Real Reason Minneapolis Is Burning | 5/29/20

4 years ago

The real reason Minneapolis is burning to the ground. What else can the year 2020 throw at us? Rioters in Minnesota destroy a police station. How President Trump could change the social media landscape with one tweet. A country admits lockdowns weren’t worth it. What ever happened to "flattening the curve"?? A governor’s hypocritical actions. The town that won’t wear masks. Wearing a mask is just a symbol. The looting continues in Minneapolis. The bad police work involving the George Floyd situation. Hong Kong protesters are out once again. Pat is ready for more stimulus money from the government. 40 million unemployed in America currently. The U.S. has gained $5 trillion in debt in only two months. Civil asset forfeiture continues in America, this time in Boston. Would you keep $1 million dollars that you found on the side of the road?

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