MSM Goes Silent on Trump's New Jobs Report | Ep 550

3 years ago

Jobs is the keyword for today! Great news for the U.S. economy, after it managed to create more than 2.5 millions jobs in May. President Trump sends a congratulatory tweet saying, “Really Big Jobs Report. Great going President Trump (kidding but true)!” Are we seeing the light at the end of the tunnel? The Washington Post forgot to change a tweet about the jobs numbers and left the headline "Grim Milestone." Did Sleepy Joe have a Hillary Clinton deplorable moment? No new cases of COVID-19 linked to the Lake of the Ozarks crowds over the Memorial Day weekend. Joe Biden does a virtual town hall with actor Don Cheadle and activist Keith James about the riots and protesters. Looks like Sleepy Joe needs to read all of his talking points from a note card.

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