Obamagate - Evidence

3 years ago

Today I happened upon this audio and found it so compelling that I took the speaker's appeal that digital soldiers help spread the word seriously enough to create this simple video.
With rampant and unchecked censorship - I am currently on my first account strike on YouTube for discussing the viral nurse dance routine videos in empty hospitals - I believe that one way to help the effort to reveal the truth and stop the steal in the US 2020 general election is to create backups of vital information.
From the speaker's statements, I it sounds as if the POTUS (DJT) is not fully aware of what appears to be relatively new and incredibly strong evidence that a fraudulent algorithm was uploaded remotely by a foreign power and that it stole our election. Further, her story places Barack Obama directly in the center of the international conspiracy.
Whether she is able to procure the sworn affidavits offered to her by whistleblowers who participated in committing the crime remains to be seen at the time of this upload.
Please visit her nonprofit's website at https://nationsinaction.org/ and do your own research.

#obamagate #evidence #conspiracy #electionfraud #algorithm #thestorm #italy

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