Growing leadership Blog #17 - Monday Mentoring - To Start or Not to Start; That is the Question

4 years ago

MT2 Growing Leadership Blog #17 – Monday Mentoring – To Start or Not to Start; That is the Question.

Welcome to Monday Mentoring with the MTLeadership Growing Leadership Blog. Today is blog number 17, and we are looking at the age-old question, "To Start or Not to Start." I will work from some notes I captured from John C. Maxwell's book 'How Successful People Grow.' (Available on Amazon:

Eight things hold us back from starting a new adventure, growing our business, creating a new product line, or writing a new book. John Maxwell calls them gaps. For many, they are not gaps but canyons that seem impossible to overcome. Well, the first step in concurring an obstacle is to identify the obstacle. Today, we take a look at the eight gaps that create limiting beliefs in ourselves and make us choose the "not to start" option when it comes to growing.

To Start or Not To Start – don't let it be said, "He Chose Poorly." (10 points to whoever can answer what movie that quote came from… lol)

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